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How to Fill Out PDF Forms

December 9, 2021
3 min read
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Do you need to fill out a PDF form? PDF Pro has you covered! Read on to learn how to fill out PDF forms easily and quickly.

PDF forms are extremely common these days. But, without the right PDF tool, filling out PDF form is hard. Some PDF Readers like Adobe Reader only let you read the contents, but not actually write on, or fill out PDF forms.

Is the PDF Form Fillable?

PDF forms you receive will either be fillable, where you can interact with the PDF document. Or they’ll be unfillable, or non-interactive.

You’ll be able to tell if your PDF form is fillable immediately upon opening it. If you are unable to fill out or type on the document, then you know that your PDF is non-interactive.

What to do if your PDF form is not fillable?

If your PDF is not fillable, you’ll need to either have a program that can write on PDFs, or you’ll need to turn that PDF form into a fillable PDF form

How to fill out PDF forms that are interactive and fillable

If you can click and begin typing on the PDF form, then it means your PDF form is fillable.

  1. Open your PDF.
  2. Click the area of the form you want to fill out.
  3. Start typing!

Please note that adding your signature to a PDF form is a bit different than filling it out by typing. PDF Pro also allows you to add your signature to forms easily, just with different steps.

How to fill out PDF forms that are not interactive or fillable

If you open your PDF and you’re not able to click and type on the form, then it means your PDF form is not fillable or interactive.

Fortunately, you still have options for filling out a PDF form, even if it isn’t interactive.

1. TypeWriter Tool

1. Open your PDF in PDF Pro.

2. Press the TypeWriter button.

TypeWriter tool highlighted in with a red box in the Markup tab of PDF Pro.

3. Click the spot on your PDF that you want to fill out, and begin typing.

2. Pencil Tool

1. Open your PDF document in PDF Pro.

2. Press the Pencil button.

Pencil tool with a red box around it in PDF Pro.

3. Using your mouse, begin writing or drawing on your PDF. After finishing, you can then move the drawing around, and change its size.

3. Print-and-Scan

1. Print your PDF form.

2. Fill out the PDF form by hand.

3. Scan your filled out form, being sure to scan your paper document into PDF format. If you use PDF Pro, you can easily do this by pressing the Scan button.

Scan button with a red box around it in the Create tab of PDF Pro.

Add Your signature to a PDF Form

1. Open your document in PDF Pro.

2. Press Sign PDF.

Sign PDF button with a red box around it in PDF Pro.

3. Select an existing signature, or add a new signature by clicking on the green plus and following the prompts.

Green plus icon in PDF Pro Signature settings.

4. Click on the PDF where you’d like to place your signature.

5. After placing your signature, you can then move and resize it. PDF Pro will save your signature so you can easily add it next time you need to sign a document.

Turn a PDF form into a Fillable PDF form

To convert an existing PDF into one with a fillable form:

1. Open your PDF in PDF Pro.

2. Click the Forms tab.

Forms tab showing in PDF Pro.

3. Select the Form Type you want to add to your PDF, then click on your PDF to add the field.

Form types buttons in PDF Pro, highlighted by a red box surrounding it.

Afterwards, you’re free to move and resize the field.

Save PDF forms

To save a PDF form you’ve received or created:

1. In PDF Pro, press File.

File tab highlighted in PDF Pro.

2. Press Save As to save your PDF form as a different file then the original document. If you’d like to overwrite the old PDF, press Save, instead.

Save As options in PDF Pro.

How to Fill out PDF forms in Google Drive

Keep in mind that you’ll need to be online to access Google Drive and Google Docs.

1. Upload your PDF to Google Drive or Google Docs.

2. Open your PDF in Google Docs.

3. Click where on the form you want to fill out.

4. Begin typing.

Your Personal PDF Form Tool — PDF Pro

We've listed a few different methods to help you fill out your PDF form. But the most convenient way to fill PDF forms is with PDF Pro's TypeWriter tool, which lets you instantly and easily type on any PDF form or document.

Do you need to fill out a PDF form right away? Download PDF Pro for free or Buy Now!

When it comes to forms, filling them out is just the start.

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Digital Marketing SpecialistArron Staradub
Arron is a Digital Marketer at PDF Pro, where he writes helpful and engaging articles for those that that use PDFs in their daily life. He has a knack for explaining concepts in an easily understandable way. He also loves reading and drinking too much coffee.

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